With the ultimate goal of offering one Laptop per child on the planet, a US-based non-profit organization is moving ahead to cater to the technological necessities of the poorest consumers of the globe. The Laptop Computer XO is developed by One Laptop Per Child (OLPC), and looks like a toy. However, it functions are so sophisticated that to assign it a toy would be the greatest folly. It is claimed that this new laptop would require only 3 watts of power to browse the web whereas a typical modern Laptop requires 40 watts of power for the same purpose. For displaying an electronic book it is said to require only a single watt.
Though the final production of the OLPC will see the light of the day in summer of 2007, yet techno-lovers could have a glance of its prototypes on display at the current Consumer Electronics Show. Michalis Bletsas, OLPC’s chief connectivity officer, was quite optimistic about this new product and said that at present per Laptop will cost around 100 euros [USD $130]. He further said that OLPC have the plan to deliver 5 million units in their first year. It is hoped that governments in the developing country would go for this new gadget because already Argentina, Brazil, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Thailand, Uruguay, and, most recently, Rwanda have consented to be a part of OLPC.
Though the final production of the OLPC will see the light of the day in summer of 2007, yet techno-lovers could have a glance of its prototypes on display at the current Consumer Electronics Show. Michalis Bletsas, OLPC’s chief connectivity officer, was quite optimistic about this new product and said that at present per Laptop will cost around 100 euros [USD $130]. He further said that OLPC have the plan to deliver 5 million units in their first year. It is hoped that governments in the developing country would go for this new gadget because already Argentina, Brazil, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Thailand, Uruguay, and, most recently, Rwanda have consented to be a part of OLPC.
With the help of two green antennas, the OLPC Laptop can communicate with other OLPC laptops and wireless access points. Bletsas further claimed that the even when the Laptop is turned off, the the wireless routing keeps on working. Over and above, the laptop also has a video camera and built-in speakers. Due to its low price and unique features, it is hoped that OLPC will be the greatest hit in the arena of computer technology.
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